Corporate Social Responsibility
In 2022 Amfitech invested in solar panels to take a step in the green transition. The solar panels ensures that the power used in Amfitech is provided from green energy, and will cover the whole company’s energy consumption.
In 2024 Amfitech invested in charging stations, for electric cars. The power to charge the cars comes from our solar panels that were installed in 2022, which means that we are offering our employees green energy to charge their cars.
We aim to develop energy-saving products and solutions, with low power consumption and a minimal standby consumption for the benefit of the environment.
We have procedures for both disposal of waste and recycling of products, to ensure the right environmental choice every time we dispose or recycle.
We provide a safe and healthy physical and mental working environment for all employees. We work for well-being, a healthy work-life-balance and a positive social environment. We ensure good working conditions, including that employees are not exposed to physical punishment, threats of violence and other forms of physical or psychological coercion or harassment.
We ensure that our employees have personal and professional development opportunities at work. As a minimum, we follow applicable legislation in our area in relation to wages, working hours, rest, holidays, sickness, maternity and other terms of employment.
Human Rights
We support and respect the international human rights contained in The International Bill of Human Rights. We assess our current and potential negative impact on these international human rights. We remedy negative impacts on human rights in the event that we become involved in such.
UN Global Compact
At Amfitech we follow the 10 principles issued by the UN Global Compact. Furthermore Amfitech requires all subcontractors to live up to the same 10 principles. This means operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
We recognize our responsibility as smaller a company, to develop and support the talents of the future. This is why we at Amfitech have an electronics technician apprentice, and why we collaborate with engineering students on either final projects, internships or other student collaborations whenever we have the chance.